Friday, October 23, 2009

Treatments, Cures And Remedies For Sleep Disorders!

Only those of us that suffer or have suffered from sleep depravation can truly understand what it's like to try and think and function as a human being running on half steam. There are so many causes for sleeplessness that there is no cure-for-all remedy or treatment. However, so long as you can identify the root cause of your problem, you will be in a much better position to find the right treatments, cures, and remedies for your condition.
One of the more common yet most overlooked causes for insomnia is simply because folks have gotten themselves into bad sleep patterns. By this I mean going to bed at a different time every night, staying up all night and sleeping all day at the weekends, and basically just not practicing any kind of sleep routine.
People who develop a consistent routine of waking up and going to bed at the same time everyday, (even at the weekends), often find they can say goodbye to their lack of sleep once and for all, and once again, they are able to function normally during the daylight hours. If you have problems sleeping, you might want to take a look at your sleep pattern.

People who worry a lot often find they take their woes to be with them, and this can keep us tossing and turning all night long. My grandmother used to say, "You die if you worry, and you die if you don't! So why worry?" Okay so that's easier said than done, but if this is you then you really should try not to take your worries to bed with you. After all, you can't do everything at once, and whatever it is that's keeping you awake will be there in the morning whether you sleep or not. Be good to yourself and try to live in the moment as much as possible.
There are many great books on how to live in the 'now' and some folks find that by adopting some of the suggestions outlined in these publications, they are able to get their sleep back on track.
One friend of mine that used to suffer greatly from insomnia found a simple yet powerful bedtime ritual which has helped him sleep like a log ever since. Before he puts his head on the pillow at night he asks himself 2 questions. 1. "Did I deliberately upset or hurt anyone today?" and, 2. "Did I do anything to deliberately upset or hurt myself today?"
But even if he answers 'yes' to any of the above questions, he promises himself that he'll try harder to be more tolerant and compassionate towards himself and others tomorrow. Simple, yet effective way of clearing the mind of any wrongdoing, and it's quite often this latent and subconscious shame or guilt that we carry around which keeps many of us awake at night. Sound daft? Try it! You could be pleasantly surprised by the results.
There are many treatments and remedies for sleeplessness, some good, some not so good, and other which are just pure poppycock, and it's important to note that what works for one may not work for another. Finding a cure for 'your' sleep problem is first identifying the cause, and then practicing a few of the suggested treatments and remedies.
Some of the more simple solutions for mild sleep disorders include exercising in the afternoon, drinking warm milk or other warm bedtime beverage before going to sleep, avoiding anything too mentally stimulating during the evening hours, and just getting int
About the Author:
Read articles on how bedding items can assist sound sleep including a take on the Comfy Feather Mattress at website There's also a piece on how to choose the right Bed Pillow. All this plus more at Bed Bedding dot com

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Antiaging - Health and Beauty

How the body functions over years and years is one of the 'wonders of science' and experts understand a lot of what happens in our rejuvination process but prolonged rejuvination, naturally by the body, is still a phenomona that cannot be determined.
In order to help this rejuvination there are systems called 'Microdermabrasion' and in the main there are two:
1. Diamond Microdermabrasion
2. Aluminium Oxide Crystal Flushing Microdermabrasion
Both of the above systems are good and do give a good exfoliation of the skin which makes it look cleaner,healthier adding back beauty,removing dead skin cells,age spots,visible lines,acne scars,blemishes and stretch marks on the skin.

What are Antiaging Microdermabrasion Systems really about?
With system (1) above, Diamond Microdermabrasion (Diamond Peeling) is a fast,safe and easy way to reduce the effects of aging on the skin.
Here are some of the basic facts:
* Effective on all types of colours of skin (men & Women).
* All-natural,non surgical, painless and no side-effects.
* Home kits are readily available, to allow you to have your own treatment in the comfort of of your own home as and when required. Cheaper than going to salon's/spas etc.,
* Helps reduce effects of aging and give your skin back its natural glow.
With system(2),Although Aluminium Oxide Crystals do an excellent job of rejuvinating the skin, more and more spas and clinics are choosing Diamond Peeling Systems over crystal machines to help improve the skin and give back some of its natural health and beauty.
Some of the main reasons why Diamond Peeling is a superior approach are:
* More and more spas and clinics are choosing Diamond Peeling Systems over Crystal Systems because they are easier and safer to use.
* Aluminium Oxide is the second hardest mineral found on earth. What is the hardest you ask?
* Diamond tipped wands are less likely to leave behind any unwanted particles in the nose,eyes or mouth (crystals can easily be left behind).
* Diamond Microdermabrasion does'nt require a fresh supply of crystals for each treatment, so it is more cost effective over time.
If we dissect the word micro-derm-abrasion, we find out it means to remove tiny, superficial damage to our skin. So how does it work? A Diamond Microdermabrasion System uses a fine, diamond-tipped, hand-held wand to remove the top layer of skin and debris, leaving behind a new, healthy layer of skin. This top layer consists only of dead skin cells which is why it is easy, safe and non-invasive. A light cream is applied to the skin first as a moisturizing-aid. The wand’s natural, diamond chips polish the skin and remove dead cells without causing irritation. Left-over dead skin cells and debris are removed with a filtered-vacuum that is conveniently built-in to the diamond-tipped wand, and can be disposed of easily. After your Diamond Peel treatment, a collagen mask will placed over your face. Your skin regains its density, elasticity and natural tone as collagen production is stimulated. A Diamond Peeling treatment can be performed every month.
In summary, no product is revolutionising the skin rejuvination industry like the Diamond Microdermabrasion Sysytem. It is fast,safe and easy and most importantly,its a proven method of reducing the effects of aging skin and naturally giving the skin back its healthy-looking glow!
Published At: Isnare Free Articles Directory

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Kenali Tanda Pengenal Plastik

Kebiasaan mengisi ulang botol air mineral merupakan kebiasaan jutaan penduduk Indonesia bahkan didunia. Sayang membuang kemasan yang masih bagus, botol itu pun dipergunakan berulang-ulang. Padahal, bahaya kesehatan mengintai dari balik kemasan botol plastik air mineral yang diisi berulang-ulang! Dr Agus Haryono dari Pusat Penelititan Kimia (LIPI) dalam sebuah diskusi di “Iptek Voice” beberapa waktu lalu, sebagaimana dilansir website http:/ , menyebutkan masyarakat harus mengetahui bahan dasar dari plastik-plastik yang aman untuk dipakai, dengan melihat simbol atau kode yang biasanya tertera di bawah produk plastik wadah makanan atau minuman.
Produk plastik yang dimaksud bukan hanya botol plastik air mineral yang banyak beredar di pasaran, tetapi juga plastik wadah makan, penutup makanan, hingga botol susu untuk buah hati Anda.
Simbol atau kode itu dikeluarkan oleh The Society of Plastic Industry sejak tahun 1988 di Amerika Serikat dan telah diadopsi oleh lembaga-lembaga yang mengembangkan sistem kode, seperti ISO (International Organization for Standardization). Secara umum tanda tersebut berada di dasar, berbentuk segi tiga, di dalam segitiga akan terdapat angka, serta nama jenis plastik di bawah segitiga, dengan contoh dan penjelasan sebagai berikut :

Pertama, PET atau Polyethylene Terephthalate. Biasanya, pada bagian bawah kemasan botol plastik, tertera logo daur ulang dengan angka 1 di tengahnya dan tulisan PETE atau PET di bawah segitiga. Simbol itu biasa dipakai untuk botol plastik yang jernih/transparan/tembus pandang seperti botol air mineral, botol jus, dan hampir semua botol minuman lainnya. Mayoritas bahan plastik PET di dunia untuk serat sintetis (sekitar 60 persen), dalam pertekstilan PET biasa disebut dengan polyester (bahan dasar botol kemasan 30 persen). Botol Jenis PET/PETE ini direkomendasikan “hanya untuk sekali pakai”. Alasannya, bila terlalu sering dipakai, apalagi digunakan untuk menyimpan air hangat apalagi panas, akan mengakibatkan lapisan polimer pada botol tersebut akan meleleh dan mengeluarkan zat karsinogenik yang dapat menyebabkan kanker.
Kedua, HDPE atau High Density Polyethylene. Umumnya, pada bagian bawah kemasan botol plastik, tertera logo daur ulang dengan angka 2 di tengahnya, serta tulisan HDPE (high density polyethylene) di bawah segitiga. HDPE biasa dipakai untuk botol susu yang berwarna putih susu, tupperware, galon air minum, kursi lipat, dan lain-lain. HDPE merupakan salah satu bahan plastik yang aman untuk digunakan karena kemampuan untuk mencegah reaksi kimia antara kemasan plastik berbahan HDPE dengan makanan/minuman yang dikemasnya. HDPE memiliki sifat bahan yang lebih kuat, keras, buram dan lebih tahan terhadap suhu tinggi. Sama seperti PET, HDPE juga direkomendasikan hanya untuk sekali pemakaian, karena pelepasan senyawa antimoni trioksida terus meningkat seiring waktu.
Ketiga, V atau Polyvinyl Chloride. Tertera logo daur ulang (terkadang berwarna merah) dengan angka 3 di tengahnya, serta tulisan V yang berarti PVC (polyvinyl chloride), yaitu jenis plastik yang paling sulit didaur ulang. Plastik itu bisa ditemukan pada plastik pembungkus (cling wrap) dan botol-botol. PVC mengandung DEHA yang dapat bereaksi dengan makanan yang dikemas dengan plastik berbahan PVC, saat bersentuhan langsung dengan makanan tersebut. Karena DEHA bisa lumer pada suhu 150 derajat celsius. Reaksi yang terjadi antara PVC dengan makanan yang dikemas dengan plastik ini berpotensi berbahaya untuk ginjal, hati dan berat badan. Sebaiknya kita mencari alternatif pembungkus makanan lain yang tidak mengandung bahan pelembut seperti plastik yang terbuat dari polietilena, seperti daun pisang yang lebih alami.
Keempat, LDPE atau Low Density Polyethylene. Tertera logo daur ulang dengan angka 4 di tengahnya, serta tulisan LDPE, yaitu plastik tipe cokelat (thermoplastic/dibuat dari minyak bumi. Biasanya LDPE dipergunakan untuk tempat makanan, plastik kemasan, dan botol yang lembek. Sifat mekanis jenis plastik LDPE adalah kuat, agak tembus cahaya, fleksibel dan permukaan agak berlemak. Pada suhu di bawah 60 derajat celsius sangat resisten terhadap senyawa kimia, daya proteksi terhadap uap air tergolong baik, akan tetapi kurang baik bagi gas-gas yang lain seperti oksigen. Plastik ini dapat didaur ulang, baik untuk barang-barang yang memerlukan fleksibilitas tetapi kuat, dan memiliki resistensi yang baik terhadap reaksi kimia. Barang berbahan LDPE ini sulit dihancurkan, tetapi tetap baik untuk tempat makanan karena sulit bereaksi secara kimiawi dengan makanan yang dikemas dengan bahan ini.
Kelima, PP atau Polypropylene. Tertera logo daur ulang dengan angka 5 di tengahnya, serta tulisan PP adalah pilihan terbaik untuk bahan plastik, terutama untuk produk yang berhubungan dengan makanan dan minuman seperti tempat menyimpan makanan, botol minum dan terpenting botol minum untuk bayi. Karakteristik berupa botol transparan yang tidak jernih atau berawan. Polipropilen lebih kuat dan ringan dengan daya tembus uap yang rendah, ketahanan yang baik terhadap lemak, stabil terhadap suhu tinggi dan cukup mengkilap. Carilah dengan kode angka 5, bila membeli barang berbahan plastik untuk menyimpan kemasan berbagai makanan dan minuman.
Keenam, PS atau Polystyrene. Tertera logo daur ulang dengan angka 6 di tengahnya, serta tulisan PS. Polystyrene ditemukan pada tahun 1839 oleh Eduard Simon, seorang apoteker dari Jerman secara tidak sengaja. PS biasa dipakai sebagai bahan tempat makan styrofoam, tempat minum sekali pakai, dan lain-lain. Bahan tersebut harus dihindari, karena selain berbahaya untuk kesehatan otak, mengganggu hormon estrogen pada wanita yang berakibat pada masalah reproduksi, pertumbuhan dan sistem syaraf. Bahan itu juga sulit didaur ulang. Jika harus didaur ulang, PS memerlukan proses yang sangat panjang dan lama. PS dapat dikenali dengan kode angka 6, namun bila tidak tertera kode angka tersebut pada kemasan plastik, bahan ini dapat dikenali dengan cara dibakar (cara terakhir dan sebaiknya dihindari). Ketika dibakar, bahan ini akan mengeluarkan api berwarna kuning-jingga, dan meninggalkan jelaga.
Ketujuh, OTHER. Tertera logo daur ulang dengan angka 7 di tengahnya, serta tulisan OTHER yang merupakan gabungan dari SAN (styrene acrylonitrile), ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) dan PC (polycarbonate, Nylon). OTHER dapat ditemukan pada tempat makanan dan minuman seperti botol minum olahraga, suku cadang mobil, alat-alat rumah tangga, komputer, alat-alat elektronik, dan plastik kemasan. PC dapat ditemukan pada botol susu bayi, gelas anak balita, botol minum polikarbonat, dan kaleng kemasan makanan dan minuman, termasuk kaleng susu formula. PC dapat mengeluarkan bahan utamanya yaitu Bisphenol A ke dalam makanan dan minuman yang berpotensi merusak sistem hormon, kromosom pada ovarium, penurunan produksi sperma, dan mengubah fungsi imunitas. Dianjurkan untuk tidak dipergunakan untuk tempat makanan ataupun minuman karena Bisphenol-A dapat berpindah ke dalam minuman atau makanan jika suhunya dinaikkan karena pemanasan. Ironisnya botol susu sangat mungkin mengalami proses pemanasan, entah itu untuk tujuan sterilisasi dengan cara merebus, dipanaskan dengan microwave, atau dituangi air mendidih atau air panas. SAN dan ABS memiliki resistensi yang tinggi terhadap reaksi kimia dan suhu, kekuatan, kekakuan, dan tingkat kekerasan yang telah ditingkatkan. Biasanya SAN terdapat pada mangkuk mixer, pembungkus termos, piring, alat makan, penyaring kopi, dan sikat gigi, sedangkan ABS biasanya digunakan sebagai bahan mainan lego dan pipa. SAN dan ABS merupakan salah satu bahan plastik yang sangat baik untuk digunakan.
Melihat bahayanya yang terkandung dalam plastik, sudah saatnya kita harus bertindak bijak dalam penggunaan plastik, khususnya plastik dengan kode 1, 3, 6, dan 7 (khususnya polycarbonate). Karena seluruhnya memiliki bahan bahaya secara kimiawi. Namun, hal itu tidak berarti bahwa plastik dengan kode yang lain secara utuh aman, hanya perlu dipelajari lebih jauh lagi. Maka, jika kita harus menggunakan plastik, akan lebih aman bila menggunakan plastik dengan kode 2, 4, 5, dan 7 (kecuali polycarbonate), bila memungkinkan. Bila tidak ada kode plastik pada kemasan tersebut, atau bila tipe plastik tidak jelas (misalnya pada kode 7, di mana tidak selamanya berupa polycarbonate), cara terbaik yang paling aman adalah menghubungi produsennya dan menanyakan mereka tentang tipe plastik yang digunakan untuk
membuat produk tersebut. Cegah penggunaan botol susu bayi dan cangkir bayi (dengan lubang penghisapnya) berbahan polycarbonate. Cobalah pilih dan gunakan botol susu bayi berbahan kaca, polyethylene, atau polypropylene. Gunakanlah cangkir bayi berbahan stainless steel, polypropylene, atau polyethylene. Untuk dot, gunakanlah yang berbahan silikon, karena tidak akan mengeluarkan zat karsinogenik sebagaimana pada dot berbahan lateks. Jika penggunaan plastik berbahan polycarbonate tidak dapat dicegah, janganlah menyimpan air minum ataupun makanan dalam keadaan panas.
Hindari penggunaan botol plastik untuk menyimpan air minum. Jika penggunaan botol plastik berbahan PET (kode 1) dan HDPE (kode 2), tidak dapat dicegah, gunakanlah hanya sekali pakai dan segera dihabiskan karena pelepasan senyawa antimoni trioksida terus meningkat seiring waktu. Bahan alternatif yang dapat digunakan adalah botol stainless steel atau kaca. Cegahlah memanaskan makanan yang dikemas dalam plastik, khususnya pada microwave oven, yang dapat mengakibatkan zat kimia yang terdapat pada plastik terlepas dan bereaksi dengan makanan lebih cepat. Hal itu dapat terjadi bila kemasan plastik digunakan untuk mengemas makanan berminyak atau berlemak. Bungkuslah terlebih dahulu makanan dengan daun pisang atau kertas sebelum dibungkus dengan plastik pembungkus, ketika makanan akan dipanaskan di microwave oven. Cobalah untuk menggunakan kemasan berbahan kain untuk membawa sayuran, makanan, ataupun belanjaan dan gunakanlah kemasan berbahan stainless steel atau kaca untuk menyimpan makanan atau minuman. Cegah penggunaan piring dan alat makan plastik untuk masakan. Gunakanlah alat makan dari
bahan stainless steel, kaca, keramik, dan kayu. (dari berbagai sumber)

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Tips Hidup Sehat

Ikutilah tips berikut ini untuk hidup sehat dan memiliki kualitas hidup yang baik, jalani hidup sehat mulai sekarang. Kesehatan adalah investasi yang sangat berharga. Karena itu, jadikanlah hidup sehat optimal sebagai kebiasaan Anda sehari-hari. Bagaimana Caranya ! Ikuti tips berikut ini :

1. Cukupilah Kebutuhan Gizi Anda
2. Hindarilah Lemak Berbahaya
3. Janganlah pernah Lupa Sarapan
4. Makan Sayur dan Buah yang cukup
5. Minum Air Minimal 8 Gelas Sehari
6. Pertahankan Berat Badan yang Ideal
7. Olah raga yang teratur
8. Cukup Istirahat
9. Hindarilah Rokok dan Minuman Beralkohol
10. Selalu Berpikir Positif
11. Luangkanlah Waktu Untuk Diri Sendiri
12. Perhatikanlah Kebersihan
13. Periksakanlah Kesehatan Anda Secara Teratur
14. Untuk Sumber Makanan, Minuman dan Suplemen pilihlah Bahan Alami
15. Mengkonsumsi Suplemen Sesuai Kondisi dan Kebutuhan Tubuh.

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Eating Properly For Your Teeth

Added by Cathy Warschaw;
Preventing cavities is not just about good dental hygiene; it also is about what you eat and when you eat it. When you eat during meals the food does not stay on your teeth as long as when you eat in between meals. So if you have to have a sweet, it is better to have it with your meal than in between meals. Most people brush only after meals. Since it only takes about 20 minutes for plague to start forming on your teeth and to begin to damage enamel if you eat between meals and do not brush until after the next meal a lot of time will have passed from the time you eat your snack to the time you next brush your teeth.
All carbohydrates break down into simple sugars and the process starts in your mouth. Bacteria on your teeth that live in your mouth use the sugars from these foods to produce acids. It is these acids that can cause tooth decay. The longer the food remains on the teeth, the more acid is produced. Removing the food particles takes the simple sugars out of the acid equation. People who drink sweetened coffee or other sugary beverages throughout the day keep a steady supply of sugar on their teeth for the bacteria to cling to.

Certain foods help to increase the amount of saliva in your mouth and saliva helps to wash away bacteria. Some food like aged cheese helps to buffer the acid and this helps to prevent cavities if eaten at the end of a meal. Your mouth depends on good nutrition to stay healthy.
For overall good health for your body and your mouth it is important to follow the guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services, which basically says:
Eat whole grains daily, such as brown rice, oatmeal and whole wheat bread instead of refined grains, such as white bread and white rice.
Eat healthier vegetables, including dark green and orange vegetables.
Eat a variety of fruits.
Choose a diet with plenty of grain products, fruits and vegetables.
Choose fish, beans, nuts and seeds for some of your protein needs.
Choose beverages and foods to moderate your intake of sugars.
Choose and prepare foods with less salt.
If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation.
Aim for a healthy weight and be physically active each day.
There is a new interactive guide that the USDA has devised to help people understand these guidelines that can be found at
These guidelines when followed will keep your body healthy which in turn helps to keep your mouth healthy. It is important to remember these guidelines and to choose your food carefully. Watch out for eating between meals and if you do so, please remember to chew sugarless gum or to rinse your mouth with water to help remove some of the food particles and sugar. The connection between the food that you eat and the health of your teeth and gums is amazingly close. You need healthy teeth to enjoy food and you need healthy food choices to protect your teeth.

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Monday, October 5, 2009

The Most Serious Health Concerns for Women and What You Can Do

These days, it seems women have more health concerns than ever. Perhaps they are greater in number than ever before or perhaps we are just more aware of women's issues as women are more comfortable having them brought to the forefront.

One issue that continually does get the attention it deserves is breast cancer. The breast cancer statistics are alarming, and almost everyone you know has a sister or mother who has suffered from this deadly disease. If caught early enough, it does not have to be deadly. In fact, there are things you can do so that you don't get it at all. Every woman (young and old) should be checking their breasts monthly to detect for any strange lumps or any unusual signs. This can be done in the shower, with one arm raised and the other performing the checking task. Any doctor can show you the specifics on how to do this. If you do sense something suspicious, make an appointment with your doctor right away to have it looked at. The other thing you can do is be a conscious consumer; every day the FDA is coming out with new information as to what may be potential carcinogens (cancer-causing agents), from food additives to plastics to environmental hazards. Becoming aware and taking the time to be educated can make all the difference in the world.

Another major health concern for women is heart disease. This continues to be the number one killer of women, actually, and it doesn't just happen to those you would suspect. When people think of heart disease, most people think of the severely obese. However, women can suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure, and clogged arteries from poor food choices, lack of exercise, and stress. Believe it or not, if you eat fast food on a regular basis and skip the gym in favor of drinks after a very stressful work day that ends at 7:00 p.m. instead of 5:00 p.m., you may be in a higher risk category than your friend who remains calm, eats a lot of healthy food choices, and practices yoga a couple times a week. If you know you are in the first group, the best thing you can do for yourself is to start making small changes. If you can't get away from a stressful job or career, make sure to step away each hour and do deep breathing exercises, and stretch your body while at work. Go to the ladies room to do it if necessary! Try to make smarter food choices, even if it means just eliminating one of your ‘junk food meals' a week. If you're not big on exercise, start with a simple walk a couple times a week and go from there. The sooner you make these changes, the healthier you will be and the less at risk for heart disease.

A third issue for women and one that has been on the rise for quite some time is obesity. The "average" American woman has increased in size to a size 12 or even a size 14, with many women reaching far beyond that size. This can be unhealthy depending on your body fat percentage. While women can take some of the same steps as with heart disease discussed above, people who suffer from obesity may need to take more drastic measures in order to get their weight down. If you are obese, it is definitely time to get your diet in check so that you don't later develop heart disease, or adult diabetes, or a host of other problems from being overweight. Eating a lot of processed, artificially sweetened, or sugar and fat-laden foods is likely a habit, and one that needs to be nipped in the bud. Hand in hand with poor eating habits is exercise habits, and if you don't have any it's time to get some! It will be difficult at first, and you are likely to be winded and tired after a very short time of exertion. However, if you keep pushing through the challenging times you will soon see and feel the difference. You will notice you have more energy, as your workout time may go from ten minutes on the treadmill to fifteen to twenty. As you benefit from this greater energy, it will not only help power you through your workout sessions, but it will put a brighter spin on the rest of your life. You will find you have more energy throughout the day, and chances are you will continue to burn calories because of this. You will probably find an easier time making healthy food choices if you incorporate exercise into your fight against obesity as well.

Women's issues can be the same as men's issues or they can be different. The good news is, women's health concerns get discussed more than they used to, and this gives us greater power in awareness.

About The Author
Megan Hazel is a freelance writer who writes about health and fitness topics, similar to what consumers read in Women's Health

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Say Goodbye to Pimples with Easy-to-Learn Home Remedies

Added by Sandra Stammberger
Pimples have been the all-time problem of adolescent, teenager, and even adults. And though pimples are only temporary, the mere sight of them scattered all over your face is really unpleasant. But do not worry. There are several easy to follow steps, procedures, and ways to get rid of pimples courtesy of the product available at your home.
One of the best and certainly a very effective product to eliminate pimples is garlic. Garlic contains antibiotic properties that are proven safe and effective in treating pimples as well as acne. To use it: get whole garlic, mash it and apply it on the face with extra caution on the area rear the eyes. Let the garlic take effect for 10-15 minutes. Then wash it off with warm cloth.
But if you don't want the smell of the garlic penetrating your nostril, here are more home remedies to cure pimples:

1. Combine 1 tsp. of cinnamon powder and 1 tsp of lemon juice. Apply it to the affected area.
2. Combine cinnamon powder with honey and form it into paste. Right before sleeping, apply the mixture to your face and wash it the next morning. Do this every night for about 2 weeks and you will no longer worry about pimples.
3. Mixing grind nutmeg with milk will work to remove pimples instantly.
4. Applying an orange peel paste on the area of your face with pimples is another effective way. The orange peel should become a paste by grinding it with little water.
5. For additional protection from the formation of blackheads, combine 1 part fresh lime juice with 1 part groundnut oil. Apply the mixture to your face.
6. Blend raw papaya fruit to create a juice. This includes the seed and the skin. Apply it on swelling pimples.
7. Use boiled milk combined with fresh lime juice as facial wash for cracked skin, blackheads, and pimples.
8. Combine 1 part of rose water to 1 part of lime juice and apply it in the pimples. Leave it for about 20-30 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.
9. Apply on the affected area for at least 1 hour the pulp of ripe tomatoes. Wash it off with water.
10. Potatoes grated and applied on affected area can cure pimples. It is also effective on curing boils, whiteheads, blackheads, and other skin blemishes.
11. A powdered pomgranate skin & roasted paste mixed with lime juice can treat pimples effectively. This mixture could also treat whiteheads, blackheads, and boils.
12. Ground radish seeds formed into paste and mixed with water remove blackheads.
13. Mix lime juice with ground drumstick pods and leaves. Apply it on the pimples.
14. Mint juice when applied on every evening can treat pimples as well. It also effective in treating scabies, insect stings, skin infections, and eczema.
15. Combine ground sesame seeds paste with water. Apply it on the affected area. It is also effective in treating skin rashes and allergies.
16. To prevent pimples, apply on the face mixture of fresh fenugreek leaves and water. Wash it on the next day with warm water.
17. Mix an equal amount of groundnut oil and fresh lime juice. Apply it on the affected area. Wash it off after about 10-15 minutes. It also prevents blackheads.
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Friday, October 2, 2009

Food To Lower Your Cholesterol

By Expert Author: Jan Richards

High cholesterol levels are slowly killing off the population. The increasing prevalence and risk of hypertension and heart disease in Americans are ringing the alarm bells in the country's health sector. Health officials are desperately trying to find ways to combat the rise and make people aware of the eating lifestyle and exercise lifestyle that they are imbibing.

The truth about cholesterol

Although cholesterol is mainly the culprit in the increase in high blood pressure in the body, not all cholesterol that we take in is essentially bad. In fact, small amounts of cholesterol is being used by the body in the production of bile salts and in the transformation of Vitamin D. Cholesterol also plays a role in the balancing of hormones especially in women.

There are two kinds of cholesterol, the good and the bad as the lay people will like to clal them. The bad cholesterol or the LDL is the kind that is often found in saturated fats and trans fatty acids. These are taken into the body through foods that are pre-packed and prepared such as potato chips, canned goods, etc. LDL cholesterol adheres to the walls of the arteries. High levels of LDL can form plaques in the arterial walls that may eventually cause clogging in the passageway of the blood. This slows down the blood flow, which in turn makes it hard for the heart to pump. This scenario describes the initial stages of hypertension and coronary heart problems.

What to eat

The good cholesterol HDL on the other hand lower the levels of LDL in the body by helping transport the LDL to the liver where it is excreted. HDL cholesterol can be found in fishes as well as in nuts.

Other foods that can lower the cholesterol levels are fruits and vegetables. These foods do not contain that much cholesterol so whatever you have, you will not be adding to its levels.

Another great thing about veggies and fruits is the fact that they are great sources of fibers that the body also need to combat the increase in LDL cholesterol. Berries, fruits that are citrus and carrots are just some of the fruits that you can count on. Another food that can dramatically reduce the levels of cholesterol in the body is the soya. Fiber-rich food, soya as well as almonds and plant sterols figure in a landmark study conducted by University of Toronto that reduced the cholesterol levels of the participants by as much as 20 percent. Eating oats, olive oil and barley are also great ways to lower LDL.

Another great source of cholesterol are foods that are really oily. To lower one's LDL, one must consciously avoid foods that are deep-fried. If you have to eat fried foods, make sure that the oil that you use is made out of vegetable.

Never use butter as this is rich in saturated fats. Instead, use margarine as a substitute. Try to also steam, braise, boil or bake your food. You will find that they are tastier and healthier.

Not just the food

There are many factors that contribute to the rise of cholesterol levels in the body. In addition to one's eating lifestyle, there is the age, the gender, the family history and of course the amount of physical activity that the person does.

Exercise is fairly important in keeping LDL cholesterol at bay. What is more, it strengthens the body's resistance as well as improves blood circulation.

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