Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Risks of being Overweight

The number of overweight or obese people now outnumbers those starving – world wide. While this may seem like good news, the number of starving people hasn’t changed much; instead overweight and obesity has grown rapidly and is now one of the biggest health issues in many western countries.

The risks of being overweight are many, and the majority can be life threatening. On top of all physical health aspects over overweight, many psychological downsides have been noticed. As if this wasn’t enough, overweight people face being discriminated in many areas of life.

Most people know fatty food is bad for you, but not everyone understands the seriousness of it all. Gaining too much weight will leave you with the risk of any or all of some serious, life threatening diseases such as; Diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, liver disease or even cancer. The list grows longer than that, but this should be enough. Overweight may very well kill you, but for the lucky ones there are some non-lethal effects of overweight and obesity not to pleasant either.

Infertility in both men and women is reported, as are genital dysfunction. For people yet to start a family, this can be a complete disaster and are serious issues for anyone faced with these problems. If that doesn’t make you want to diet, perhaps knowing you stand a much higher risk of getting a stroke, osteoarthritis, back pains or even loose some or all of your bladder control – not too fun now is it?

Even if you don’t get ill, or at least only manageable ill, the psychological aspects of overweight can be severe. Overweight and obese people stand an increased risk of getting a depression, and have a harder time getting out of it. Whether this is an actual effect of the fat itself is debated, but most scientists agree the risk to be heightened. Closely related to depression are self esteem issues, a common problem for overweight people and even more so among overweight women.

People not suffering of overweight often underestimates the troubles related to it all, and common misperception among many skinny people is that it is very easy to loose weight – you just have to want it bad enough. This is rarely the case – instead most people suffering from overweight have huge troubles loosing that same weight.

Difficult as it is, the upside of loosing just a bit of weight are huge, not only for your health. Looking at yourself in the mirror, seeing you are just a little bit more fit can do wonders for any self esteem – just try it yourself and you will be surprised.

For most people, the hardest part is getting started. Once you are exercising regularly, you will probably be surprised how easy it really is. Not at all as hard as the first few times. Just be sure to choose a way of exercising that you enjoy – it makes it so much easier. As mentioned over and over again: it’s better to move a little often, than running a marathon once a year.

About the Author/Author Bio

Theo is writing about overweight and obesity, and what you can do to loose weight. For further reading, try bra viktminskning, or get inspiration from AR's weight loss programs.

Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com/Article/Risks-of-being-Overweight/160293


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